Nice to Meet You

Following a toxic marriage and crushing divorce in my 20’s, I emerged determined to not waste another day just surviving. I used my second chance as a clean slate, committed to enjoying my life after so many years dulled by fear, numbness, and exhaustion. And after years of rebuilding, I am proud of the life I now have.

Having spent years with only fleeting moments of anything resembling happiness, I now dedicate my time to helping other women recognize and chase the beauty in their lives. For most of us, this does not require a massive upheaval of our external facts but a deeper dive within to shift our internal barriers, cultivate a happier mindset, and reconnect with who we really are and what we want in life.

I trained with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)- an International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited program- in New York City in 2018. I rely on the coaching skills I developed there, along with my intuition and experience, to partner with my clients in bringing their goals and dreams into reality.

What’s the Jackfruit Life?

I named my coaching company “The Jackfruit Life” in part to give myself a little chuckle. Is there really any better reason to do anything?

When I first married my French husband, I discovered one day that my new last name “Jaquier” was translating to “jackfruit.” It quickly became an inside joke in our household. Given that the coaching company represents my personal philosophies on a life well-lived and reflects the steps my husband and I have personally tried, tested, and taken ourselves, it seemed only fitting to name the work after our family.