My Coaching Philosophy centers on the core belief that if you’re stuck in an ordinary-feeling life, it’s because that’s what you have chosen.

Maybe not intentionally… but that’s exactly why I promote intentional living.

The point is this: if you’re the reason your life feels unfulfilling, you also have the power to change that. Infinite, amazing, untapped power.

Here’s how we work:

  • First, we identify and remove the pressing problems in your life so you have a little breathing room.

  • Once you’re out of crisis mode, we can focus on the bigger picture - what you care about to your core, who you are, and who you want to be.

  • Next, we work on taking action - setting goals and embodying a new mindset to truly begin living the life you want.

If this sounds like hard work - it shouldn’t be. All of my offerings are intended to be customizable and are designed to truly fit your life, draw from your strengths, and alleviate the discontent you currently feel in as natural and simple way as possible.

Sound like something you’d be interested in?
Great- let’s get started!

What’s your biggest struggle today?

Looking for the “All of the Above” option?

One-on-one coaching may be right for you. More info below!


Ready to really get to work?

Rather than going through one of my programs, you can work with me one-on-one. This is where my clients make the most progress and have the highest level of support from me. If you’re looking for someone to understand your exact needs and challenges and be your partner through this season of change, I’m your girl.

A one-on-one package covers 6 months and includes:

  • 2 55-minute long sessions each month

  • 1 customized Empowerment Plan following each session

  • 2 accountability check-ins per month (via Telegram)

  • Unlimited Telegram support throughout the entire 6-month period