Emotions are like the weather - they are meant to come and go as they please.

While we all experience emotions every day, very few of us have the emotional vocabulary and depth of understanding to process them in a healthy and satisfactory way.

Rather than denying yourself your emotions, or judging yourself for experiencing “negative” emotions, these resources are intended to help you better understand and accept however you may feel in any given moment. Learn your emotional triggers so you can better control your response, and ditch the mom guilt and pressure you have to be anything other than exactly who and what you are.

  • Emotions Wheel

    You think you know the words to express your emotions - happy, sad, mad. But if you want to really get it touch with how you feel, it’s time to expand your emotional vocabulary and experience the breadth and depth of your feelings.

  • Ditch the mom guilt masterclass

    Guilt serves vey little purpose in our lives. And yet, we routinely berate ourselves for our actions. It’s time to ditch the Mom Guilt, own your decisions, and empower yourself to live the life you want.


    Do you wish you could stop yelling at your kids, or find yourself getting easily frustrated around your family? We all have emotional triggers, but this course is designed to help you get to the root of what’s happening so you can truly solve the problem, while also learning how better to accept your emotions whatever they may be.

Looking for more support?

  • One-on-one coaching

    If you’re ready to take your fulfillment and joy seriously and want to optimize your results, one-on-one coaching is the way to go. Here, we explore your biggest pain points and follow them to the root cause. We’ll partner in creating a personalized empowerment plan that works just for you. I’ll hold you hand every step of the way to your dream life.

  • group coaching

    Joining with other moms in a group setting provides a multitude of benefits. One is the way it combats the pervasive feeling of being alone in your struggles as you recognize yourself in others. Another is how it expands your village and broadens your support network as you all get vulnerable and share together.